■Clinical ecology--a critical appraisal. [West J Med. 1986] - PubMed - NCBI
・ There is no convincing evidence that supports the hypotheses on which clinical ecology is based.
・臨床環境医学が基礎とする仮説を支持する説得力のある証拠は存在しない・ Clinical ecologists have not identified specific, recognizable diseases caused by exposure to low level-environmental stressors.
・低レベルの環境ストレッサーへの曝露に起因する特異的で認識できる病気を臨床環境医たちは確認していない・ Methods to diagnose and treat such undefined conditions have not been shown to be effective.
・そのような定義されていない状態を診断または治療する方法は有効であると示されなかった・ The practice of clinical ecology can be considered experimental only when its practitioners adhere to scientifically sound research protocols and inform their patients about the experimental nature of their practice.
■Clinical ecology. American College of Physici... [Ann Intern Med. 1989] - PubMed - NCBI
1989年。アメリカ内科学会*4のposition paperである。これも学会に属する個人の意見とかではなく学会としての公式見解。もちろん、臨床環境医学に対して批判的。
Clinical ecologists propose the existence of a unique illness in which multiple environmental chemicals, foods, drugs, and endogenous C. albicans have a toxic effect on the immune system, thereby adversely affecting other bodily functions. The proposal uses some concepts that superficially resemble those that apply to clinical allergy and toxicology and others that are novel.
Review of the clinical ecology literature provides inadequate support for the beliefs and practices of clinical ecology. The existence of an environmental illness as presented in clinical ecology theory must be questioned because of the lack of a clinical definition. Diagnoses and treatments involve procedures of no proven efficacy.
The clinician who sees a patient who has been given a diagnosis of "environmental illness" by a clinical ecologist should first establish the presence or absence of any physical disease or psychologic factors in the patient's illness. A history suggesting allergic, infectious, toxic, or irritant environmental factors in the illness should be investigated using appropriate, standard, and well-established diagnostic procedures.
■Clinical ecology. Council on Scientific Affai... [JAMA. 1992 Dec 23-30] - PubMed - NCBI
Based on the reports in the peer reviewed scientific literature, the Council on Scientific Affairs finds that at this time (1) there are no well-controlled studies establishing a clear mechanism or cause for MCSS; and (2) there are no well-controlled studies providing confirmation of the efficacy of the diagnostic and therapeutic modalities relied on by those who practice clinical ecology.
(1) 多種類化学物質過敏症症候群のはっきりとしたメカニズムや原因を確立したきちんとした対照群をもちいた研究はない。
(2) 臨床環境医学を実践する人々が頼る診断および治療的方法の有効性の確認を提供するきちんとした対照群をもちいた研究はない。
訳はそれほど間違っていないと信じたいが、他の方による訳も紹介しておこう。■西村有史自家頁 backnumber。どのような意味において「臨床環境医学が専門家にも注目されてた」のか、だいたいのところはご理解していただいたであろう。臨床環境医学に対する批判がアメリカ合衆国のみに限らないことを示すためにイギリスの例も挙げておこう。ちょうど「室内空気汚染:医療専門職のためのイントロダクション」という報告書が発表されたのと同じ1994年のもの。
■Good allergy practice. Stan... [J R Coll Physicians Lond. 1994 Nov-Dec] - PubMed - NCBI
There are a number of practitioners who routinely use unconventional approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of allergy. Allergy, particularly ‘alternative allergy,’ is a popular subject with the media. Unfortunately many members of the public and even doctors themselves are often uncertain as to what forms of diagnosis and treatment have been validated by objective studies. Until the methods of diagnosis and treatment used by ‘alternative’ allergists have been evaluated by reputable, randomised, double-blind placebo-controlled trials, they cannot be accepted into routine clinical practice. This is particularly important since symptoms in chronic allergic disease are known to fluctuate over time and can often improve when treated with placebo. The more prominent of the methods of alternative allergists have been assessed in detail and the conclusions published in a Royal College of Physicians report.7
"alternative allergy"(もうひとつのアレルギー)はMCSとほぼ同義である。「非主流のアプローチをルーチンに使用する開業医」の一例は■なぜ「化学物質過敏症」患者に対して包括的な検査が必要なのかで紹介した、約6000人もの患者を6人を除いてすべてアレルギーと診断してきたDr Keith Mumbyである。「メディアにおける人気の話題である」というのは、臨床環境医たちの主張が、査読のある医学雑誌にはほとんど掲載されない一方で一般のメディアで扱われることに対する、主流の医学者たちの危惧*8をあらわしているのだろう。
「医師自身ですら、診断と処置のどの形式が客観的な研究によって確認されたか、しばしばはっきり知らない」というのは、Dr Keith Mumbyのように、医師の中にも科学的な思考能力の欠けている人がいることを示している(現在の日本にもそういう医師が存在することを読者のみなさんはご存知であろう)。こうした常識を念頭におけば、1994年報告書における「臨床環境医学会にはアレルギー医や内科医が集まっている」という文は、必ずしも臨床環境医学会を擁護しているとは限らないことがわかるだろう。「アレルギー医や内科医の中には、非主流の、証明されていない治療および診断法を使用する者もいる」ことを指摘していると私は解釈する。
*1:■An Introduction for Health Professionals | Indoor Air Quality | US EPA
*2:California Medical Association Scientific Board Task Force on Clinical Ecology
*3:"The task force is concerned that unproved diagnostic tests are being widely used by clinical ecologists in what may be incorrect or inappropriate applications. Decisions made on the basis of these tests can lead to misdiagnosis, resulting in patients being denied other supportive treatments and becoming psychologically dependent, believing themselves seriously and chronically impaired."
*4:American College of Physicians
*6:Royal College of Physicians
*7:"Unconventional (‘alternative’) allergy"
*8:たとえば、"Although the popular media frequently carry stories about it, there is little scientific literature. It is diagnosed by clinical ecologists, who maintain, among other theories, that susceptible individuals experience an overload in assaults by artificial materials in the environment."(■Psychiatric assessment of patients with "20th-century d... [CMAJ. 1985] - PubMed - NCBI)、"ENVIRONMENTAL hypersensitivity, total allergy or 20th Century Disease, as it is variously known, is a condition popularized over the last five years by the media, practitioners of alternative medicine, people who believe themselves to be suffering from the malady, and their supporters."(■Environmental hypersensitivity disorder, t... [Can Fam Physician. 1987] - PubMed - NCBI。)
*9:"Current data on the relationship between polysymptomatic illness and exposure to chemicals do not allow multiple chemical sensitivity to be regarded as a distinct clinical entity"
*10:"Furthermore, the claims of clinical ecologists have been thoroughly evaluated and found to be of no proven value by many authorities, including the Royal College of Physicians7 and the American Council on Science and Health"
*11:"Allergy clinics should use methods of diagnosis and treatment of proven efficacy. Clinics which use methods of diagnosis and treatment outlined in the section on 'alternative' allergy are specifically not recommended."